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How often do you go to the movie theatre?
Less than once a month
Once in a month
Twice in a month
Thrice in a month
Four or more times


Which of the movie theatres you normally visit?


How many screens would you prefer?


Kindly rank the types of shops and stores you would like in a multiplex?
Coffee shops
Apparel Stores
Food chain outlets
Ice cream Joints
Gaming Zones/arcade
Book stores

How much do you usually spend on your leisure activities per week?
< Rs 1000 per head
Rs 1000-2000 per head
Rs 2000-3000 per head
Rs 3000-4000 per head
> Rs 4000 per head


What amount of time do you spend on leisure activities per week?
< 3 hrs
3-5 hrs
5-10 hrs
> 10hrs

What other leisure activities do you pursue?
Where do you want a new multiplex to be?

Is there anything unique about multiplexes compared to other film theatres?
Yes No
If yes to the above question, please explain

How much are you willing to pay for a Hollywood movie in a multiplex?
< Rs 50
Rs 50- Rs100
Rs 100 - Rs 200
Rs 200 - Rs 500
> Rs 500


How much are you willing to pay for a Hindi Movie in a Multiplex?
< Rs 50
Rs 50 -100
Rs 100 - 200
Rs 200 - 500
> Rs 500


How much are you willing to pay for a regional movie in a Multiplex?
< Rs 50
Rs 50 -Rs 100
Rs 100 - Rs 200
Rs 200 - Rs 500
> Rs 500


How imporatant is Parking space for you in a Movie theatre?
Least Important Most Important

How important is Snacks bar for you in a cinema theatre ?
Least Important Very Important

How important is Leg space for you in the cinema theatre ?
Least Important Very Important

How important is Air conditioning in a cinema theatre ?
Least Important Very Important

How important is sound system for you in a cinema theatre?
Least Important Very Important

How important is Aesthetics for you in a cinema theatre ?
Least Important Very Important

How important is location of the cinema theatre?
Least Important Very Important

Have you been to any Multiplexer like Innovative? If yes please answer the questions below
Yes No

How important was the location of "Innovative" Multiplex for you?
Least Important Very Important

How important was "Ease of Booking" for you at Innovative Multiplex?
Least Important Very Important

How important was "Parking Space" for you at Innovative Multiplex?
Least Important Very Important

How important was "Staff service" for you at Innovative Multiplex?
Least Important Very Important

How important was "Interior facilities" for you at Innovative Multiplex?
Least Important Very Important

How important was "Ambience" for you at Innovative Multiplex?
Least Important Very Important
Please contact [email protected] or click here if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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