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Thanks for taking our survey! We're looking for honest feedback on property management companies from owners. Your feedback will help shape our customer service approach and help us decide where to focus our efforts to improve the industry!

Do you own one or more condominums in the San Francisco Bay Area?

Yes, I own and live in my primary residence
Yes, and I own more than one condominium in the San Francisco Bay Area

Have you ever served on the board of your condominium's Home Owners' Association (HOA)? If so, in what role?

Yes, as President
Yes, as Treasurer
Yes, as Secretary
Yes, in aother role:

How many units are in your condominium building? If you own properties in more than one building, choose the answer appropriate for  your primary residence.

Less than 10
Between 10 and 25
Between 25 and 50
Between 50 and 100
More than 100

Does your building have any of the following amenities? Please check all that apply.

Gym/Fitness center
Front desk / receptionist


How satisfied are you with your property management company's handling of the following services?

Very Dissatisfied Not Satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied N/A
* Carpet cleaning in common areas
* Acting as an agent to rent the unit you own
* Buying or selling a unit in your building
* Painting of common areas
* Repair or maintenance of the interior of your unit
* Window washing
* Grafiti removal
* Garage door repair
* Major construction projects (e.g. roof renewal, water damage repair)
* Landscaping of common areas

How satisfied are you with your current property management company's performance in the following areas?

* Speed of communication
* Diligence and attention to detail
* Quality of maintenance work performed
* Fees charged for property management
* Scheduling of regular meetings
* Budgeting and financial management
How much is your HOA paying for property management per year?
Less than $10,000/year
Between $10,000 and $25,000/year
Between $25,000 and $50,000/year
More than $50,000/year
I don't know
* What property management company does your building currently use?

Do you own other condominium properties in California?

Yes, in the San Jose area
Yes, in the Sacramento area
Yes, in the Los Angeles area
Yes, in the San Diego area
Another area in California (please type the name of the city or region)
Homestar is an innovative, customer service-oriented property management company in the San Francisco Bay Area specializing in condominium properties. If you'd like us to contact you about your building, please enter your information below.
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Phone : 
Email Address :