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Fuld TLC - Survey No. 4

Fuld Technology Leaders Community (TLC)
Exit Survey
The focus of this survey is on your most recent experience with different cloud solutions and vendors. The survey will take less than 15 minutes and the Fuld team thanks you very much.

Instructions: If you are an integrator/consultant or other third party service provider, answer the survey as it relates to your most recent engagement. If you are an IT decision maker or user, answer the survey as it relates to your own company’s recent experience. If you are in planning stages, answer based on your deployment expectations.
Basic Information
* First Name
* Last Name
* Position/Job Title
* Company
* Email
General Questions
* Q1. What type of firm do you work for?
IT Firm (Service Provider, Integrator, Consultant or Similar Third Party)
Non-IT/ Corporate Firm (e.g. in Industry such as – Healthcare, Financial Services, Retail, etc.)
* Q2. What revenue-range does your firm fall in?
<$10 million
$11 million - $100 million
$101 million - $500 million
$501 million - $1 billion
>$1 billion
* Q3. What is the size of your global IT team?
5 – 10
11 – 20
21 – 50
51 – 100
* Q4. What is your rough estimate of your firm’s annual IT-spend as a percentage of annual revenue?
<2% of Revenue
2-4% of Revenue
5-6% of Revenue
7-8% of Revenue
9-10% of Revenue
>10% of Revenue
Factors for Choosing Cloud Providers
* Q5. Now, let’s talk about cloud companies, these are companies that provide IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. Which of the following cloud companies are you aware of?
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Google Cloud

Q6. Below is a list of criteria in choosing a cloud solution for company. Using the rating scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) below, please rate each criterion in terms of importance.
1 2 3 4 5
* Familiarity with the systems
* Reliability
* Elasticity (e.g. being able to scale up or out)
* Agility
* Scalability (i.e. being able to increase capacity)
* Upgrades and Innovations
* Provides better customer experience
* Provides one-stop shop solution
* Data Resiliency and Recovery
* Adaptability/ ease of integration
1 2 3 4 5
* Wide range of purchase options (e.g. packages, bundles, etc.)
* Stickiness
* Customized deployment
* Cost (Affordable)
* Load Capability
* Responsive support (e.g. immediate troubleshooting services)
* Seamless mobility
* Ease of purchase
* Compatibility of tools across platforms
* Security
* Strong media presence (e.g. traditional and social media)
* Cloud management (e.g. account monitoring)
* Collaborative approach towards creating new product features (e.g. based on customers' feedback)
* Is tried and tested/ has a proven track record
* High performance (Throughput and latency)
Q7. Using the same set of criteria from Q6, can you please choose each criterion that describes a cloud vendor? Choose only from the companies that you marked that you are aware of in Q5 and click "NA/Not aware of the company" for the companies that you are not aware of.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Google Cloud Microsoft Rackspace IBM Oracle Terremark Citrix VMWare Joyent
Cost (Affordable)
Scalability (i.e. being able to increase capacity)
Adaptability/ ease of integration
Compatibility of tools across platforms
High performance (Throughput and latency)
Load Capability
Upgrades and Innovations
Data Resiliency and Recovery
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Google Cloud Microsoft Rackspace IBM Oracle Terremark Citrix VMWare Joyent
Responsive support (e.g. immediate troubleshooting services)
Cloud management (e.g. account monitoring)
Customized deployment
Wide range of purchase options (e.g. packages, bundles, etc.)
Elasticity (e.g. being able to scale up or out)
Ease of purchase
Provides better customer experience
Familiarity with the systems
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Google Cloud Microsoft Rackspace IBM Oracle Terremark Citrix VMWare Joyent
Seamless mobility
Provides one-stop shop solution
Is tried and tested/ has a proven track record
Collaborative approach towards creating new product features (e.g. based on customers' feedback)
Strong media presence (e.g. traditional and social media)
NA/Not aware of the company
Decision Process
* Q8. Who typically makes technology acquisition decisions within your company (OR in your client organization where you recently provide services, in case you are an IT Service Provider)?
Top Management (CEO, CTO, CIO, etc.)
Mid-management (Directors, Managers, Senior Architects/Software Engineers)
Production Team (Developers, DBAs, IT Architects, with just the endorsement of Top or Middle Management)
* Q9. Which of the following cloud companies is the key provider of cloud services to your company (OR to your recent large client-engagement in case you are an IT Service Provider)?
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Google Cloud
* Q10. What other providers did you (OR your client organization, in case you are an IT Service Provider) consider when choosing a cloud provider?
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Google Cloud

* Q11. How long did it take you (OR your recent client, if you are an IT Service Provider) to do evaluation/proof of concept in the current solutions that you are using?
<2 weeks
3-4 weeks
5-8 weeks
9-12 weeks
>12 weeks
IT Infrastructure and Cloud Services Used
* Q12. On average, what percentage of your IT infrastructure is in the cloud (e.g. in terms of solutions implemented)?
* Q13. How do you connect your on-premise infrastructure to the cloud most of the time?
Through a staging database (e.g. AWS S3)
Direct routes (e.g. AWS Direct Connect, Windows Azure Express Route, etc.)
Through the Internet
* Q14. To what extent is integration with existing on premise or other cloud systems a consideration in your cloud adoption plans?
Application Integration (e.g. event-driven, near real-time, back-end fulfillment systems, etc.)
Data Integration (volumes of data, frequency of integration, security, etc.)
Protocol port, file format change, metadata storage, etc.
* Q15. Will a move to the cloud ultimately mean that your IT staff will need a different set of skills?
* Q16. Which one of these skills will be in greater demand after the move to cloud?
Mobile developers
Enterprise IT architects
Custom app developers
* Q17. What types of applications do you run in the cloud?
Software Driven Network (SDN)
Web Hosting Services
Enterprise Data Warehouse
Enterprise E-mail Service
Procurement and Auditing applications
Human Capital Management (HCM) applications
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications

* Q18. What kind of pricing model are you currently using with your current provider?
Lease contracts
QoS (the higher the quality the higher the price)
* Q19. How much is your annual average expenditure for cloud services?
$10,000 - $50,000
$50,000 - $100,000
$100,000 - $300,000
$300,000 - $500,000
* Q20. How do you assure the security of your data in the cloud, whether at rest or in transit?
SSH (Secure Shell)
* Q21. Discovery of the Heartbleed bug once again raised concerns about the security of data in the cloud, especially those using SSL in securing data in transit. How did you respond to this discovery?
Reviewed current security procedures and identified of other security risks
Added other security layers to the company’s IT infrastructure
Moved sensitive data on-premises until the bug was fixed
Contacted cloud provider to find out vulnerabilities
Open Source Technology
* Q22. Do you use open source technology in the cloud?
* Q23. If you are using open source technologies, please choose from among the list the services that you use.
Hadoop related projects (e.g. Ambari, Avro, Cassandra, Hive, Pig, Spark, etc.)

Q24. Rate the importance of using open source technology for your work (5 being the highest and 1 being the lowest)?
1 2 3 4 5
* Open Source Technology
* Q25. What percentage of the applications that you are currently using are open source?
* Q26. Which part/s of your architecture is using open source?
Data warehouse
Analytics tool
Staging Database
Networking solutions
Load management applications

Future Plans
* Q27. Do you plan to port other parts of your infrastructure to the cloud?
* Q28. Do you plan to use open source technologies in the future (or if you are already, do you plan to use any other)?
* Q29. Are you looking for alternative cloud providers?
* Q30. Recently, Google has dropped the price of its cloud offerings to which AWS and Microsoft responded by offering discounts, would you consider switching providers if this trend continues?
Q31. Rate your current cloud provider (5 being the highest and 1 being the lowest) in terms of satisfaction with its services.
1 2 3 4 5
* Rating
Other Related Questions
* Q32. What encouraged you to become part of our thought leadership community originally?
For general networking opportunities
To help and contribute to the community by sharing my experiences
To have a forum where I can discuss my business issues with other community members
For financial incentives
For possible job opportunities
To meet experts in the field

* Q33. How do you find the panel activities as of the moment?
Needs Improvement
* Q34. Would you like to suggest any activity that you are looking for in the panel?
Regular meet-ups/touch base
Official group on the web or on social media
Discussion about survey results

And on a Less Serious Note …
* Q35. As someone who helps clients work with the cloud tools and systems, what do you think is your clients’ perception of the “cloud” is:
A fine-tuned Swiss watch with lots of features that always works precisely as advertised
A dull but trusted bank safety deposit box?
Houdini’s mystery metamorphosis box…where we don’t know how it works but are satisfied with the results?
A member of my family that I don’t get along with but must still maintain a relationship?
A con artist, who borrows our wallet, takes our money then expects a thank you for the service?
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