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CMAA Survey 2015

CMAA Member Food & Beverage Survey
Welcome and thank you for participating in this confidential and anonymous research study among CMAA members and club managers regarding food and beverage services in private clubs.

It should take you approximately 10 minutes to complete the survey, and we think you’ll enjoy the variety of questions.

These results will be shared in aggregate at the upcoming CMAA conference.

Please answer each question in order and as presented. Enjoy!
In what state is your club located?

District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
What type of club do you manage?  Please select all that apply.

Athletic club
Beach club
City club
Country club
Fraternal club
Golf club
Military club
University/faculty club
Yacht club

How long has your club been in operation?
Less than 1 year
1-9 years
10-19 years
20-49 years
50-99 years
100+ years
Not sure
And, how long have you been in your current position as club manager of your club?

Less than 1 year
1-2 years
3-5 years
6-10 years
11-15 years
16-20 years
21+ years
Not sure
And, how many members does your club have?
20,000 or more
Not sure
The following is a list of services provided by clubs. Some of these are also specific to food and beverage, and we’d like your detailed input on those as well. Please rate each on how important it is that your club provides that service. Even if your club does not currently provide that service, we would still like to know how important you think it is to provide that service:

Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important Extremely Important
Family Activities
Club Social Functions
Iced Coffee Beverages (not bottled)
Healthy or Alternative Beverages
Hot Coffee and Hot Tea Beverages
Casual Dining
Children’s Activities
Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important Extremely Important
Business Services
Iced Tea Beverages
Alcoholic Beverages (Beer, Wine, etc.)
Espresso Coffee
Fine Dining
Filtered or Bottle Water Services
And, thinking of this same list, how would you rate your club’s performance meeting the needs of your members on that service. If you do not offer that service today, please just indicate that is the case.
Poor Fair Good Excellent We do not currently offer that service
Fine Dining
Alcoholic Beverages (Beer, Wine, etc.)
Club Social Functions
Iced Tea Beverages
Business Services
Casual Dining
Healthy or Alternative Beverages
Espresso Coffee
Family Activities
Filtered or Bottle Water Services
Poor Fair Good Excellent We do not currently offer that service
Children’s Activities
Iced Coffee Beverages (not bottled)
Hot Coffee and Hot Tea Beverages
To the best of your knowledge, how are coffee, tea and/or water beverages supplied to your club location?
A beverage service provider is responsible for delivering the coffee, tea and/or water to my location as well as providing for and servicing the brewing equipment.
Someone in my club is personally responsible for picking up and delivering beverage supplies to my location or ordering beverage supplies directly from the Internet or by phone.
Not sure
Please tell us if your club offers each of the following coffee services to your members.  Please select all that apply.

Drip regular coffee or tea service in a dining area
Drip specialty/gourmet or flavored coffee
Iced coffee (not bottled)
A coffee/tea bar or coffee trolley that is staffed and serves members
A standalone and self serve coffee or tea service area or coffee/tea bar
A standalone area with available water through a dispenser or water container (not a water fountain)
Our club does not offer any of these

Now thinking specifically about tea, what types of tea are available from your club’s coffee, tea and/or water service?  Please select all that apply.

Hot tea
Iced tea
High tea service
Flavored tea
Tropical tea
Healthy iced teas
Herbal tea
Our club does not offer any of these

If your club offers a dedicated coffee/espresso bar, how successful would you say it is?
Not successful at all, never used
Not very successful, used every once in a while
Somewhat successful, used fairly often
Very successful, extremely popular
Our club does not offer a dedicated coffee/espresso bar
Does your club offer any seasonal non-alcoholic beverages that are available only for a limited time, either through your club’s coffee, tea and/or filtered water service or in other areas of your club?  Please select all that apply.

Hot seasonal coffee varieties
Cold seasonal coffee varieties
Hot seasonal tea varieties
Cold seasonal tea varieties
Hot Chocolate/Cocoa
Hot Apple Cider
Other seasonal drink
None, we do not have any seasonal limited time offerings

Do you charge club members and guests for coffee and tea in any or all areas of the club?
Yes – all areas of the club
Yes – only in some areas of the club
No – club members and guests are not charged for coffee or tea
If you could, would you choose to keep your current coffee, tea and/or filtered water beverage service provider or would you consider someone new?
Definitely consider someone new
Probably consider someone new
Probably keep my current beverage service provider
Definitely keep my current beverage service provider
Do not have a coffee, tea and/or filtered water beverage service provider
Compared to other service providers that you contract with at your club, would you say your club’s coffee, tea and/or filtered water service representative …
Provides worse customer service than most
Provides about the same level of customer service as most
Provides better customer service than most
Thinking about the last 12 months, what is the one program or activity related to food and beverage that you have implemented at your club that has been the most successful?

And in the last 12 months, what is the one program or activity related to food and beverage that you have implemented that has caused you the most concern and that you wouldn’t do again?

Here are some potential beverage based offerings that club managers may try. Looking at these, how appealing do you think each solution would be in your club?

Not appealing Somewhat appealing Very appealing Extremely appealing
Offering unique coffee and tea programs for various member driven occasions, celebrations, events that might take place at the club (weddings, bar mitzvahs, retirement parties, etc.).
Offering unique coffee and tea programs for seasonal club events (Easter Brunch, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, Thanksgiving buffet, etc.).
Creating a unique coffee and tea pairing for different parts of the day to appeal to a wider variety of members.
Offering a line of “specialty, sustainable, organic” coffee and tea products that would appeal more to younger age groups (organic, fair trade, etc.)
Offering a dedicated juice and smoothie bar at the club with a variety of healthy non-soda beverage options.
Creating events at the club where members can come to learn about coffee and tea, try new beverages, meet coffee experts, and hear the stories of the coffee farmers, roasters, and beverage makers.
What do you think could be some potential beverage based offerings that you would like to try and would be appealing?

Thinking about club membership ...

Compared to last year, would you say that membership in your club has grown, declined, or stayed the same?
Stayed the same
And, looking ahead one year from now, do you expect that membership in your club will grow, decline, or stay the same?
Stay the same
What about revenues?  Compared to last year, would you say that your overall club revenue has grown, declined, or stayed the same?
Stayed the same
And, looking ahead one year from now, do you expect that your club revenue will grow, decline, or stay the same?
Stay the same
If you had to allocate 100% to the following general profiles of your club, what percentage would you allocate to each?  Your total must add to 100%.

% .... of members run the club and show up for almost every event
% .... of members regularly participate
% .... of members occasionally participate
% .... of members never show up for anything!
Just three last questions for classification purposes ...

What is your gender?
What is your age?
Now thinking about the age of your club membership, using your best guess, allocate 100% across the following age groups, indicating what percentage of your club membership falls into each age group.  Your total must add up to 100%.

% .... of members are Millennials (18-33 yrs old)
% .... of members are Generation X (34-49 yrs old)
% .... of members are Baby Boomers (50-68 yrs old)
% .... of members are Mature (69+ yrs old)