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What is your gender?
What is your age range?
24 and under
When it comes to purchasing groceries for you or your household, which of the following description fits you the best?
I do most of the grocery shopping
I occasionally do the grocery shopping
I rarely do the grocery shopping
I never do the grocery shopping
Which of the following fresh produce items (not canned or frozen) did you purchase in the last year - by last year we mean Summer 2011 through Summer 2012? (Check all that apply):
Sweet Corn on the cob
None of these

Are you or any members of your household or close friends employed in any of the following occupations? (Check all that apply):
An automobile manufacturer
An advertising agency or public relations firm
A grocery store, produce distributor or produce grower
A market research company or department
A manufacturer of consumer electronics (such as computers, televisions, etc.)
None of these

In what state do you reside?
Which of the following fresh produce items did you buy this summer - 2012? (Check all that apply):
Sweet Corn on the cob
None of the above

How likely are you to buy each of the following produce items this next coming summer - summer 2013?
Definitely will not buy Probably will not buy May or may not buy Probably will buy Definitely will buy
Sweet corn on the cob
You said you probably or definitely will NOT buy cantaloupes next summer– 2013. Why is that?
Did any of the following produce items make news in your grocery stores or in the media (TV, radio, newsprint, Internet) during this summer - 2012? (Check all that apply):
Sweet corn on the cob
None of the above

What specifically did you see or hear about produce items from your grocery stores, the Internet or in the media this summer - 2012?
Thinking now about cantaloupes, did you hear or see any of the following specific items from your grocers or in the news during this summer only – we are talking about this summer 2012 only - in this question? (Check all that apply)?
Cantaloupe billboards
Cantaloupe eating contests
Grocery store ads for cantaloupes
Illnesses due to bacteria issues for cantaloupes
Cantaloupe information on the Internet, for example Facebook, YouTube, etc.
Label stickers on the cantaloupes that said the location where they were grown
Cantaloupe growers featured on a TV or radio show
Cantaloupe farmers talking about their produce
Cantaloupes on sale at a fruit stand or farmer’s market
Listeria infection in cantaloupes that caused deaths
TV advertising for cantaloupes
Newspaper articles on cantaloupes
None of the above

What growing region or state did you hear that the cantaloupe illness/death issue came from during this summer - 2012? (Check all that apply):
Several states in the USA
Midwestern USA (for example, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio)
Imported cantaloupes from Mexico and South America
Eastern USA (for example North Carolina, Maine, Massachusetts)

What growing region(s) in Colorado did you hear the summer 2012 cantaloupe illness/death issue came from? (Check all that apply):
Cantaloupes from the Hygiene area were affected.
Cantaloupes from the Rocky Ford area were affected.
Cantaloupes from the Olathe area were affected.
Cantaloupes only from Jensen Farms in Holly, Colorado
Cantaloupes from one grower only in Colorado.
Cantaloupes from the Palisade area were affected.
All Colorado cantaloupes were affected.

Which of the following brand names of produce have you heard of? (Check all that apply):
Sunkist Oranges
Rocky Ford Cantaloupes
Chiquita Bananas
Earth Bound Lettuce
Palisade Peaches
Olathe Sweet Corn
Driscoll Strawberries
None of the above

Which of the following brand name produce items did you buy this summer – 2012? (Check all that apply):
Driscoll Strawberries
Earth Bound Lettuce
Chiquita Bananas
Olathe Sweet Corn
Rocky Ford Cantaloupes
Sunkist Oranges
Palisade Peaches
None of the above

Which of the following statements are most accurate regarding your buying fresh produce this summer - 2012. (Check all that apply):
I bought Colorado grown produce this summer - 2012
I bought Colorado cantaloupes this summer - 2012
I bought Colorado produce –it’s just I did not buy cantaloupes from Colorado
I bought Colorado cantaloupes but I waited to see if they were safe this year
I bought Colorado cantaloupes because my grocer stocked them
I bought Rocky Ford Cantaloupes
None of the above

You said you waited to buy Colorado cantaloupes this summer – 2012, to see if they were safe, what specifically convinced you to buy them? Please write down anything you may have seen or heard or what it was that convinced you to buy Colorado cantaloupes?
Think now specifically about Rocky Ford Cantaloupes, from Rocky Ford, Colorado. What, if anything, did you see or hear about Rocky Ford cantaloupes either in the media, Internet or in your grocery stores this summer - 2012?
Which of the following messages are you aware of either in the media, Internet or in your grocery stores regarding Rocky Ford Cantaloupes that you may have heard or seen this summer – 2012? (Check all that apply):
Jensen Farms filed for bankruptcy
Cantaloupes from Rocky Ford make you smile
Jensen Farms was at fault in 2011 for listeria in cantaloupes not Rocky Ford cantaloupes
Rocky Ford growers invested a million dollars in safety equipment
Colorado Proud promoted Rocky Ford cantaloupes
Shortages of Rocky Ford cantaloupes
Rocky Ford Cantaloupes are great for food and beverage recipes
Rocky Ford cantaloupes are sweet and juicy
Rocky Ford Cantaloupes are superior in taste and quality
Cantaloupe boxes with Hirakata Farms logo
Rocky Ford cantaloupe growers are families with generations of growing experience
USDA inspections were increased with both unannounced and announced inspections
Rocky Ford cantaloupes are safe to eat
Grocery store ads that featured Rocky Ford cantaloupes
None of the above

Think about where you do the majority of your shopping for fresh produce (fruits and vegetables). For some of you, it might be in several stores – but mark below which one store where you do most of your fresh produce shopping. (Check one):
Sunflower Farmers Market
King Soopers
Whole Foods
Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage
Sprouts Farmers Market
Local farmer’s market or fruit / produce stand
The safety of food products in Colorado and the USA is something that concerns all of us. We’d like to know your opinions on produce sold in Colorado and the USA. By produce, we mean fresh fruits and vegetables (not canned or frozen).

How much do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 to 9, with 1= I completely disagree and 9 = I completely agree, mark which number best represents your actions.
1= Completely Disagree 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9=Completely Agree
I think Colorado produce is safer to eat vs. produce from other countries like Chile, Mexico, and New Zealand.
I believe produce from certain Colorado growing regions are safer to eat vs. other regions of Colorado.
I believe produce growers from my state – Colorado – deliver fruits and vegetables that are safer than other states.
I believe organic produce is safer to eat.
I shop at my local farmer’s markets for produce because I feel I can trust the farmers for safe produce more than produce I buy at grocery stores.
If the Colorado state government agencies approve produce products, I trust they are safe to eat.
If a 3rd party, independent produce safety inspector approves produce products, I trust they are safe to eat.
If the US federal government agencies approve produce products, I trust they are safe to eat.
I believe produce from national brand name companies like DOLE, CHIQUITA or SUNKIST are safer to eat than produce grown by farmers in Colorado.
I believe Colorado produce at my grocery store is safer than buying from a farmer in a market or roadside stand because my grocery store takes extra steps to ensure it’s safe.
I believe cantaloupes from the Rocky Ford Colorado growing region are safer to eat vs. other regions of Colorado.
I believe corn on the cob from the Olathe, Colorado growing region is safer to eat vs. corn from other regions of Colorado.
If my grocery store puts produce on their shelf for sale, I trust that it is safe to eat because they have checked it out.
We’d like to know more about your behaviors around fresh produce (fruits and vegetables) you buy in the grocery store, at roadside stands or in farmers’ markets.

How much do you agree with the following statements? On a scale of 1 to 9, with 1= I completely disagree and 9 = I completely agree, mark which number best represents your actions.
1=Completely Disagree 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9=Completely Agree
I always buy organic produce.
I thoroughly wash all my fruit and vegetables before eating them – lettuce, beans, corn, apples, strawberries, and raspberries.
I believe Colorado produce tastes better than produce from other states in the USA.
I thoroughly wash the outside of fruit before cutting into it – mangos, pineapple, cantaloupes, water melons, bananas, grapefruit, etc.
Colorado produce is fresher than produce from other states.
I believe the taste of produce from certain growing regions in Colorado like Olathe corn, Palisade peaches or Rocky Ford cantaloupe is superior to these same produce items from other areas of Colorado.
I thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables that I plan to peel – potatoes, cucumbers, bananas, oranges, etc.
I prefer to buy Colorado produce at grocery stores or farmer’s markets because I want to support local farmers.
If my grocery store gives me information about the local farmer that grows the fruits and vegetables, I am more likely to trust and buy produce that comes from that farm.
You are doing great! The next three questions are for classifications purposes only and then you are done.

Which of the following best describes where in Colorado you live now?
San Luis Valley
Western Slope
Front Range
Mountain communities
Arkansas Valley
Eastern Plains
Which of the following categories represents your total annual household income?
$19,999 or less
$20,000 - $39,999
$40,000 - $59,999
$60,000 - $79,999
$80,000 - $99,999
$100,000 - $120,999
$121,000 or more
Prefer not to answer
Which category best describes your ethnic background?
African American
American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut
Asian or Pacific Islander
Hispanic or Latino
White or Caucasian
Prefer not to answer
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