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Hello and thank you for your time today. As we mentioned in our email, we are conducting a survey on behalf of The Children's Place. We would like to invite you to take a 5-7 minute survey and earn a coupon for 20% off your next purchase of $30 or more at The Children's Place.

Your answers will help us improve so please provide honest feedback. All information will be confidential.
* Did you browse at The Children's Place during August?
* Did you make a purchase at The Children's Place during August?
* What was the main reason you visited The Children's Place during this time period? (Please check all that apply)
Stopped in randomly while already out shopping
To use a gift card
To redeem a coupon offer from a previous purchase
To redeem a coupon offer from an email
My child(ren) wanted to go
To redeem a coupon offer from USPS mail
Needed specific clothing/accessories for my child(ren)
I did not visit The Children's Place
Heard a commercial on the radio about it
To purchase a gift
To participate in a store sale

* Did you hear The Children's Place’s commercial on the radio that aired in August?
Please rate how much you agree with the following: The commercial was…
Absolutely Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Absolutely Agree
* Effective in its message
* Memorable
* Creative
* Interesting
* Believable
* Did you like the commercial?
* Of the following phrases, which do you remember being in the advertisement? (Please check all that apply)
Eye-catching Window Displays
Wide Variety of Styles
Amazing Deals
Back-to-School Shopping
A Little Fashionista
Adorable things for the Baby
Limitless Color Choices
Unbelievable Prices
Head-to-Toe Outfits
One-stop Shopping

Please take a moment to listen to the 30 second commercial.

After hearing it now, please rate how much you agree with the following: The commercial is…
Absolutely Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Absolutely Agree
* Interesting
* Believable
* Memorable
* Do you like the commercial?
* Of the following phrases that are in the commercial, which do you feel identify The Children's Place? (Please check all that apply)
A Little Fashionista
One-stop Shopping
Amazing Deals
Unbelievable Prices
Adorable things for the Baby
Back-to-School Shopping
Head-to-Toe Outfits

* Are you more interested in shopping at The Children's Place after listening to the commercial?
Do you have any other comments for The Children's Place about the Radio Commercial?

Just For The Record

The following demographic questions are to make sure we listen to all types of customers. All answers will be kept confidential.
* What is your age?
* What is your gender?
* How many children (or grandchildren) do you purchase clothing for?
What are the ages & genders of the children you purchase clothing for?

Please check all that apply

Boy Girl N/A
* 0-12 months
* 1-3 years old
* 4-6 years old
* 7-10 years old
* 11-13 years old

* Roughly speaking, in what range does your total annual family income fall?
Under $25,000
Over $150,000
Prefer not to answer

* Which of the following categories best describes your ethnic background?
African American
Prefer not to answer
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