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Thank you for taking this survey about your use of BikeLink eLockers. Your responses will help transportation researchers and BikeLink to improve your BikeLink services and to better understand how well eLockers serve your transportation needs. All of your responses will remain completely confidential.

If you have any questions about the survey, feel free to email us at [email protected]. Emails sent to this address will be checked frequently by survey administrators. This address is listed at the bottom of each survey page for your convenience.

At the end of the survey, you will be asked to enter your BikeLink card number so that we can send you a $5 (five dollar) Add Value Code as a token of our appreciation for completing the survey. The survey should take between 7 and 15 minutes to complete.

Thank you again for your participation!
First, we would like to ask you a few questions about your use of the BikeLink eLockers.
How long have you used the BikeLink eLockers?
How did you learn about the BikeLink eLockers?
Newspaper article
Saw the eLockers
Bicycle group
Friend/family member/co-worker
Bike-to-Work Day or Car-Free Day
BikeLink website
Other. Please specify:
Which BikeLink eLockers location do you use most frequently?
Select only one response from the menu.
How frequently do you typically rent an eLocker?
Less than 1 time per month
1 time per month
2 times per month
3 times per month
1 time per week
2 times per week
3 times per week
4 times per week
5 times per week
6 times per week
7 times per week
More than 7 times per week
Please select which days of the week you typically use the eLockers.
Select all that apply.

In the last three months, at how many locations have you used BikeLink eLockers?
Which trip purpose below best describes the typical reason you rent an eLocker?
Commute to work or school
Personal errands
Business-related activities
Social or recreational activities
Other. Please specify:
The next set of questions seeks to understand how you use the eLockers.

In your response to these questions, please consider only your most frequent trip for which you use the BikeLink eLockers.
Please estimate the time of day that you typically start your eLocker rental.
On the menu below, select the value closest to the actual start time.
Please estimate your typical eLocker rental duration:
On the menu below, select the value closest to the actual duration.
What is your typical starting place for your trip to the eLockers?
Other. Please specify:
Cross Street #1:
Cross Street #2:
What travel mode are you using immediately before you arrive at the BikeLink eLockers from your typical starting place?
Other Train or Light Rail Transit
Bus or Shuttle
Dropped-off by another driver
Carpool or Vanpool
Other. Please specify:
How many miles is your typical starting place from the eLockers?
On the menu below, select the value closest to the actual distance.
How many minutes does it take to get from your typical starting place to the eLockers?
On the menu below, select the value closest to the actual duration.
How many miles is your typical starting place from the eLockers?
On the menu below, select the value closest to the actual distance.
How many minutes does it take to get from your typical starting place to the eLockers?
On the menu below, select the value closest to the actual duration.
Please select the response which best describes how physically demanding you consider your typical bicycle ride to the eLockers to be.
Very Physically Difficult
Moderately Physically Difficult
Moderately Physically Easy
Very Physically Easy
Please select the response which best describes the road safety of your typical bicycle route to the eLockers:
Very Dangerous
Moderately Dangerous
Moderately Safe
Very Safe
What travel mode are you using immediately after you leave from the eLockers to continue to your typical destination place?
Other Train or Light Rail Transit
Bus or Shuttle
Carpool or Vanpool
Picked-up by another driver
Other. Please specify:
Cross Street #1:
Cross Street #2:
How many miles is your typical destination place from the eLockers?
On the menu below, select the value closest to the actual distance.
How many minutes does it take to get from the BikeLink eLockers to your typical destination place?
On the menu below, select the value closest to the actual duration.
Cross Street #1:
Cross Street #2:
How many miles is your typical destination place from the eLockers?
On the menu below, select the value closest to the actual distance.
How many minutes does it take to get from the BikeLink eLockers to your typical destination place?
On the menu below, select the value the actual duration.
Please select the response which best describes how physically demanding you consider your typical bicycle ride from the eLockers to be.
Very Physically Difficult
Moderately Physically Difficult
Moderately Physically Easy
Very Physically Easy
Please select the response which best describes the road safety of your typical bicycle route from the eLockers:
Very Dangerous
Moderately Dangerous
Moderately Safe
Very Safe
Does your typical trip to or from the eLockers involve using public transportation, including a private vanpool or a shuttle?
(i.e. are you transferring to or from transit?)
If the BikeLink eLocker service were no longer available, how would your trip to your typical destination place change?
Please select the one answer that best describes how your trip would change.

“If the BikeLink eLockers were no longer available, I would…
Continue to ride my bicycle
Use a different travel mode instead of bicycling
No longer make this trip
None of the above. Please describe how you would make this trip:
If the eLocker service were no longer available, where would you then park your bicycle?
The same general location as the BikeLink eLockers.
A location further from my final destination.
A location closer to my final destination.
Other. Please specify:
Please specify which alternate travel mode you would take instead of the bicycle:
Drive alone
Carpool or Vanpool
Bus or Shuttle
Train or Other Rail Transit
Other. Please specify:
If the BikeLink eLocker service were no longer available, how would your trip to your typical destination place change?
Please select the one answer that best describes how your trip would change.

“If the BikeLink eLockers were no longer available, I would most likely …”
Continue to access the transit station by bicycle.
Use another travel mode to or from the same transit station.
Use a different transit station.
No longer use the transit station and use a different method of travel to my final destination.
No longer make this trip.
None of the above, please describe how you would make this trip:
Please specify which alternate travel mode you would take to or from the transit station:
Drive alone
Carpool or Vanpool
Pick-up or Drop-off by another driver
Bus or Shuttle
Other. Please specify:
Please specify which alternate travel mode you would take to or from the transit station:
Drive alone
Carpool or vanpool
Pick-up or Drop-off by another driver
Bus or shuttle
Other. Please specify:
Please specify which new travel mode you would take to your final destination:
Drive alone
Carpool or vanpool
Bus or shuttle
Other. Please specify:
Please select the statement below that BEST characterizes the leading reason why you choose to use the eLockers and bicycle for transportation rather than use another mode of travel. (Please select only one response).

“I choose to use elockers and bicycle because…”

To get exercise
I want to avoid using a car for environmental reasons
I want to avoid using a car to save money
Because of poor or non-existent public transit service
I don’t own a car
Bicycling is faster and/or more convenient than other available travel modes
Other. Please specify:
Next we have a few questions about your experience using the BikeLink eLocker technology.
Select the responses in the table below that best describe your level of satisfaction with the eLockers in the categories provided:
Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neutral Somewhat unsatisfied Very unsatisfied
Location Safety
Locker Security
Ease of Use
Clarity of Screen Instructions
Customer Service
Payment Method
Clarity of Rental Cost
Rental Service Price
During the last month, how many times did technical problems prevent you from using the eLockers?
On the menu below, select the number of times this occurred.
Please briefly describe the technical problems that prevented you from using the eLockers:
During the last month, how many times have you arrived at the BikeLink eLockers and been unable to find an available locker?
On the menu below, select the number of times this has occurred.
Have you reserved a bicycle locker using BikeLink’s internet reservation service?
If BikeLink offered an internet reservation service at all eLockers that would allow you to reserve a locker for your arrival if availability permitted, would you be likely to use eLockers more frequently?
Please select the one response that best describes your opinion.
Very unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Somewhat likely
Very likely
During the past month, how often were you unable to complete an internet reservation at an eLocker at your preferred time (because no lockers were available)?
On the menu below, select the number of times in the last month.
During the past month when you were unable to complete an internet reservation at your preferred time, which of the following choices best describes your typical response?

What did you do instead? “When I was unable to reserve an eLocker on the internet, I …”

Bicycled to or from the station at my preferred time without a locker reservation (e.g., locked at a rack, used an available locker, or took the bike with me).
Reserved an eLocker for another, less convenient time.
Bicycled to or from a different station at my preferred time without a locker reservation.
Took another mode of travel to or from the same station at my preferred time.
Took another mode of travel to or from a different station at my preferred time.
No longer used the transit station and used a different method of travel to my final destination.
Please specify which alternate mode you took to the transit station:
Drive alone
Carpool or Vanpool
Pick-up or Drop-off by another driver
Bus or Shuttle
Other. Please specify:
Please specify which alternate mode you took to the transit station:
Drive alone
Carpool or Vanpool
Pick-up or Drop-off by another driver
Bus or Shuttle
Other. Please specify:
Please specify which new travel mode you took to your final destination:
Drive alone
Carpool or Vanpool
Bus or Shuttle
Other. Please specify:
Next, we have several questions about your general bicycle use and experience.
How many years have you used your bicycle as a regular transportation option (excluding exercise only bicycling)?
On the menu below, select the number years.
How often do you bicycle for transportation (excluding exercise only bicycling)?
How valuable, in dollars, is the bicycle that you typically store in the eLockers?
How many times has a bicycle of yours been stolen or vandalized in the past five years?
On the menu below, select the number of times in the last five years.
Finally, we have some demographic questions that we use to categorize the survey data.
How many motor vehicles are available to your household?
On the menu below, select the number of motor vehicles.
How many commuters are in your household? (including yourself)
On the menu below, select the number of commuters.
In what year were you born
Please indicate your gender:
How many people total are in your household including yourself?
How many people in your household (including yourself) are in each of the age groups listed below?
For each age range, please enter the appropriate number into the table. Leave blank any ranges for which the value is zero.
Number of Household Members in Age Range
0-2 years old
3-5 years old
6-15 years old
16-25 years old
26-35 years old
36-45 years old
46-55 years old
56-65 years old
66 and older
What is the highest level of school that you have completed?
Grade school
Some high school
Graduated high school
Some college
Associate’s Degree
Bachelor’s Degree
Some graduate school
Master’s Degree
Law Degree (JD, LLM)
Ph.D., Ed.D,
Other. Please specify:
What is the total 2007 pretax income for your household?
Under $15,000
$15,000 - $25,000
$25,000 - $50,000
$50,000 - $75,000
$75,000 - $100,000
$100,000 - $150,000
$150,000 - $200,000
$200,000 and over
Decline to state

In order to receive a $5 (five dollar) add value code for your BikeLink account, please enter your BikeLink account number. The code will be sent to your BikeLink account email address.
BikeLink card number:
Your account number will not be associated with your survey responses. Like all your survey responses, this personal information will remain confidential and will be stored in a secure location. The information will only be used to allow BikeLink to credit your account as a token of our appreciation for completing the survey.

If you have any questions or concerns related to the survey, please contact a University of California survey administrator at [email protected].
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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