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* 1. How would you describe the role that you play in the selection of a foreign currency exchange partner for your company?
Primary decision maker
Not the primary decision maker, but strong influencer
Share decision making responsibilities with others
* How would you describe the role that you play in the day-to-day processing of foreign exchange payments?
Primary manager of day-to-day process
Involved in day-to-day process with other team members
Not involved in day-to-day foreign exchange process
* What is your title?
* How many foreign currency transactions does your company execute per month?
Less than one per month
1-3 per month
4-8 per month
More than 8 per month
* Which foreign exchange partner(s) do you currently use?
(Please select all that apply)
A bank
Another foreign exchange brokerage

Other than AFEX, which foreign exchange brokerage(s) do you use?
Which bank or banks do you use for foreign currency exchange?
* Are there any foreign exchange transaction types for which you do not use AFEX?
(Please select all that apply)
I am not currently an AFEX client
Hard to find currencies
Unusually large transactions

* Which interaction style do you use to execute the majority of your foreign exchange trades?
Online trading platform you control yourself
Personal interaction with account executive or trading desk
Trading application on your mobile phone
* How do you typically find out about potential foreign exchange partners and services? (Please select all that apply)
Sales calls from banks or brokers
Online research you initiate
Referrals from colleagues or other trusted sources
Advertising in trade publications
Articles in business publications

* How did you first learn about AFEX?
Sales calls from account executive
Online research you initiated
Referral from colleagues or other trusted sources
Advertising in business publication
Articles in business publication
* When choosing a foreign currency exchange partner, which two of the following attributes are most important to you?
Competitive rates on trades
Expertise in foreign exchange products, currencies, and strategies
Company size and stability
Having a single point of contact
A strong personal relationship with a company account executive
Innovative technology to enable me to manage foreign exchange on my own
Knowledge of the my business model and currency exchange needs
Reliable execution of payments to ensure my needs are met
Reasonable service fees

On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best), how would you rate AFEX on each of the following attributes?
1 (Worst) 2 3 4 5 (Best)
* Competitive rates on trades
* A strong personal relationship with a company account executive
* Company size and stability
* Expertise in foreign exchange products, currencies, and strategies
* Overall customer service
* Reasonable service fees
* Innovative technology to enable me to manage foreign exchange on my own
* Reliable execution of payments to ensure my needs are met
* Knowledge of the my business model and currency exchange needs
* What do you consider to be AFEX’s greatest strength?
What do you consider to be AFEX’s most important area for improvement?
On a scale of 1-10 (10 is most likely), how likely would you be to recommend AFEX to a colleague?
1 (least likely) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (most likely)
* If you were to have a conversation with AFEX’s CEO, what would you tell him/her to make AFEX the best possible partner for you?
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